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Maximize Your Team’s Performance and Wellbeing

"One of the most life changing programs I have ever been in"

Most teams work hard but underachieve due to unconscious self-sabotage. That is why we offer a transformative solution to help your team reach new heights. Our six-week hybrid program develops mental fitness, empowering individuals and teams to excel together.

Team Improvement Starts With You

Here is a list of what you and your team can be seeing improvements on:

Why this Mental Fitness Program Is Special

  • This 6-week mental fitness program is a breakthrough, research-based approach that provides you with the tools to strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you. ​

  • You learn to handle life’s challenges with a more positive mindset that results in less stress through purely guided practice in the palm of your hands.

  • The difference in this program is that it is 80% practice-based and just 20% insight-based.  You will get to practice the exercises to strengthen your brain throughout the day for a period of 6 weeks.

  • Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires building new habits that help you achieve that.  And that’s what our program design empowers you to do.

  • Better yet, you will have access to the entire program for an entire year so that you can continue to revisit the exercises as you please.  You will also get to join community where we meet every month after the program to share our experience.


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Prevent Burnout

How to get clear on what I want in life

Find out the root cause of your stress below.

Your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness.

All your negative emotions including stress, self-doubt, procrastination, and anxiety are the result of self-sabotage.

There is an effective way to minimize them but first, find out their root cause by taking the private self assessment below.

How This Program Helps Your Team Succeed

Build High-Performing Teams

This 6-week program strengthens mental muscles for optimal team performance. By intercepting Saboteurs, activating Self-Command, and harnessing Sage powers, individuals enhance Triple Purpose, Earned Trust, Healthy Conflict, and Mutual Accountability.

Create a Safe and Authentic Team Environment

Foster transparency, authenticity, and support within your team. Our program encourages open communication, admitting mistakes, and caring for one another.

Navigate Conflict and Grow Together

Learn constructive conflict resolution within the team. Challenge each other, find the best solutions, and embrace personal growth.

Promote Mutual Accountability

Empower team members to hold each other accountable. Drive a culture of ownership and responsibility for results and conduct.

Promote Mutual Accountability

Empower team members to hold each other accountable. Drive a culture of ownership and responsibility for results and conduct.

6-Week Program Reviews


What You Receive From This 6-Week Mental Fitness Program

Develop All 3 Core Muscles

Mental fitness strengthens your Interceptor, Self-Command, and Sage muscle.
Meditation only focuses on Self-Command, which is why it is important to add complementary exercises that are integrated into this program.

Treat The Root Cause, instead of the Symptoms
This 6-Week program focuses on your root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and wellbeing.  

That's why this program focuses on guided exercises so that you can build neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why we call this “mental fitness”.

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Track Your Progress

You’ll feel motivated through instant feedback on exactly how much progress you’re making towards building the 3 core muscles of mental fitness. Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging within 8-weeks.

Community Support

We help you establish a support and accountability group with other program participants. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.

Community Support

You will be part of an accountability group with other program participants. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.

That is why you and your group members will be meeting each week via Zoom to discuss the progress and connect with one another.

Use Mental Fitness in these areas of your life

Our innovative 6-week Mental Fitness program is designed to revolutionize your mindset and boost your performance in various areas of life.

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This program is built on the foundations of Positive Intelligence, a powerful mental framework that serves as an operating system for personal and professional growth. Invest in your mental fitness today, and unlock a lifetime of personal and professional growth.

Enroll Today


And get to be part of an extra two weeks after the program where jeury will run group coachings where we explore your topic even deeper so that we can create massive change in your life and those of the community.


What becomes possible for you, in achievement, peace of mind, wellness, and in your relationships when you take charge of your mind instead of it running you?


Make a commitment now to boost your mental fitness with this 6-Week Program.


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